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Hack Windows Administrator Password-*

This is one of the best
method to Hack Windows
XP Administrator
Password.For hacking
admin you must have log in
as guest or limited account.This methodod
hacking sdmin is very
easy.You don’t need any
software or live cd.All
hacking is done manual.To
hack XP admin password follow these steps.Please
backup your files which
we are going to use here.
1.Go to C:/windows/
system32 2.Copy cmd.exe and paste
it on desktop
3.Rename cmd.exe to
4.Copy the new sethc.exe
to system 32,when windows asks for
overwriting the file,then
click yes
5.Now press shift key 5
times you will get cmd
prompt close that 6.Now Log out from your
guest account and at the
login screen,press shift key
5 times.
7.You will get commmand
prompt there Now type “ NET USER
mypassword” where
“mypassword” can be any
password and
Administrator is name of admin account ,then press
8.You will see “ The
Command completed
successfully” and then exit
the command prompt. Thats done…You have
hacked administrator
Please backup your
cmd.exe and sethc.exe if
you are trying this on your own computer.This works
because of sethc.exe
process Vulnerability in
Windows XP.This method
of hacking XP admin
password can be used in your college lab where you
have limited or guest
access to computers.


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